Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

7 Tips How To Learn English Easily

1.Listen to English music Can help a little for things like getting used to the natural rhythm and tone of English speech, although the more time and attention you give to a song the more you will learn from listening to it again in the future.
2. Read a translation into English Another way of making sure books are easier to understand is to choose a book that was originally translated into English, preferably from your own language. Even if you haven't read the book in your own language, you will find the English is written in a slightly simplified way that is more similar to how your own language is written than a book originally written in English would be.
 3.Read a book or novel english Open books before you buy one and flicking through them to find one with lots of direct dialogue in it has several advantages.Dialogue is also much easier to understand than descriptive parts of a book, and is much more like the language you will want to learn in order to be able to speak English.
 5.Ask your company to start English lessons  If you don't need to speak English at work, English lessons can be a fun and reasonably priced way for your company to spend their training budget in a popular way.
6.Watch English Language Films With English Subtitles  For people who can't understand a film without subtitles but find themselves not listening at all when reading subtitles in their own language, this should be the way of watching a film that you should aim for. If it is too difficult to watch the whole film this way, try watching the (usually important) first 10 or 15 minutes of the film with subtitles in your own language, switch to English subtitles after that, and only switch back to subtitles in your own language if you get totally lost following the story of the film.
 7. Keep A List Of Language To Learn If you don't often find time to go though your vocab list and it keeps on , just the act of choosing which words you need to learn and writing them down on a special list can help you learn them.

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